Misdiagnosis Mishaps: Holding Healthcare Providers Accountable in Oklahoma

Healthcare has come a long way in the last two centuries. With breakthroughs in medical technologies and rigorous training regimens, healthcare systems around the globe have significantly reduced the number of mishaps and injuries inflicted by healthcare professionals (because of negligence), but we still have a long way to go. According to WebMD, misdiagnosis alone is connected to about 371,000 deaths each year. That’s a staggering number, and if we add the number of people who receive the wrong treatment because of misdiagnosis, which may lead to negative short-term to long-term health on sequences, the number might as well be in seven digits. If you or someone you know have suffered from a misdiagnosis, you might be eligible for compensation proportional to your suffering. If it happens in the state, a medical malpractice attorney in Oklahoma might be able to assist you.
Misdiagnosis Mishaps: Types and Consequences
The simplest interpretation of misdiagnosis is a wrong medical diagnosis, but the legal definition can be extended to all diagnosis-related mishaps, including but not limited to delayed diagnosis that may lead to delayed care and negative health consequences for a patient. Other misdiagnoses and mishaps include:
- False Negative: False negative is when a medical practitioner is unable to identify (through tests and professional judgment) the problem a patient has. The patient doesn’t receive the care they need or receives delayed care.
- False Positive: When a healthcare professional diagnoses the wrong disease. The treatment for the wrong disease can have several negative consequences for the patient.
- Miscommunication: The diagnosis and its implications are not effectively conveyed to the patient, leading to improper care and aggravation of the problem.
- Missing The Underlying Cause: Healthcare professionals might focus on and start treating the symptoms, leaving the underlying cause to evolve into a bigger problem.
If that happens to you or someone you know and you have clear proof of the negative consequences that misdiagnosis leads to, you can consult a personal injury lawyer in Oklahoma to know whether you have a case against the healthcare provider/facility.
Misdiagnosis Compensation
The negative consequences of a misdiagnosis can range from stress and mental agony to irreversible damage to the victim’s health, and even if the exact root of a misdiagnosis cannot be identified (labs, healthcare professional, etc.), the victim might still qualify for compensation for their pain and suffering. The compensation can also come in different forms, including financial compensation and free care/treatment for any health problems stemming from misdiagnosis.
Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Oklahoma – How Can They Help
Medical malpractice lawyers in Oklahoma and law firms like J. Jackson Law Offices, which have a wide range of personal injury avenues (including misdiagnosis mishaps), can help you every step of the way – from building a case to claiming reasonable compensation for your suffering. This starts with collecting evidence of the misdiagnosis, compiling damages, and quantifying their short-term and long-term impact on your life. While the exceptional results and litigation skills of J. Jackson Law Offices are reasons enough to consider them as your medical malpractice lawyers in a misdiagnosis case, it’s their considerate handling of such delicate matters that their clients appreciate most about them.